Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => Raiders of the Game Cupboard => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 12 May 2020, 02:13:20

Title: Covid-19 and Raiders of the Game Cupboard
Post by: Zarniwoop on 12 May 2020, 02:13:20
In light of the ongoing situation, the likelihood of lock down continuing in some form for sometime and Social Distancing rules still being enforced it is unlikely the June event can be held. In fact I would now go so far as to say it is unlikely that we will be able to host another event in 2020.

We will continue to monitor Government, as well as World Health Organisation, advice and guidelines to see when it will safe for all to start hosting events again. Dates have been proposed for 2021 and we are awaiting confirmation from the venue.

Any news and updates will be posted here and on our website.

Stay Safe, look after yourselves, loved ones and each other.

Title: Re: Covid-19 and Raiders of the Game Cupboard
Post by: Zarniwoop on 29 September 2020, 00:53:47
With the changing situation meaning regional Lockdowns, social distancing still in effect and tougher measures being implemented to control the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic it is with regret that Raiders of the Game Cupboard will remain cancelled until further notice.

Please keep checking the website ( for updates regarding the situation and we will return as soon as it is safe for everyone to do so.

Our hope is to be able to run something again in 2021 and we will continue to monitor Government, as well as World Health Organisation, advice and guidelines to see when it will be safe for all to start hosting events again.

Any news and updates will be posted here and on the Forum.

Stay Safe, look after yourselves, loved ones and each other.