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Gaming Groups => A Thousand Shattered Mirrors => Topic started by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 06 October 2010, 06:02:07

Title: Integrity - Tyrannous Skies (Part 4)
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 06 October 2010, 06:02:07

On a dead world, somewhere in a burning wasteland of sand and glass
There lies a City that once rivalled all the Gods of the Wheel.
It's Hubris pierced the skies, their might uncovered a terrible secret.
The Sun was stopped in it's celestial track, the City cremated beneath it.

What wonders would a horror seek in a place of endless light?
A grim legend spreads it's unhallowed wings across the searing sky
Old Foes cluster at the edges of awareness, forgotten but not gone
And dear friends lurk in shadows with bared blade.

But above the stench of scorching sand
Why, pray tell, would there float the scent
Of lightly roasted arabica beans?

Spirit Games, 7pm.