Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming Groups => A Thousand Shattered Mirrors => Topic started by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 24 November 2010, 07:05:04

Title: Integrity - Null and Void
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 24 November 2010, 07:05:04

At the End of it all there was Nothing
And it was cold, empty and ruinous.
Worlds uncounting were broken
Upon the alter of her arrogance.
The figures waited quietly.
There was little left to say.

Yet the difference
Between a Beginning and an Ending
Is simply a matter of Perspective,
And the nothingness stirred...

Spirit Games, 7pm.
The End.

Title: Re: Integrity - Null and Void
Post by: morgalahan on 02 December 2010, 16:21:47
It was a fun ending, I especially enjoyed the ganking. So much fun to be on the giving end.


I miss wednesdays

Title: Re: Integrity - Null and Void
Post by: Slatie on 02 December 2010, 19:42:48
And you will be missed on Wednesdays.

But at least you are probably warm and you have hosted the World Cup (that is an event where teams from different counties kick a little ball around.  Norrmally while the crowd do the same to each other.

Title: Re: Integrity - Null and Void
Post by: Dat on 04 December 2010, 01:26:51
Similar sentiments minus the world cup thing. Keep in touch. +:beer=+::beer:

Title: Re: Integrity - Null and Void
Post by: morgalahan on 16 February 2011, 20:40:30

I havent done a smidge of roleplaying since I left. I'm supposed to be running a game, but there just seems to be so little time... I really need to get into it again.

Miss those wednesdays T_T

And this game rather a lot.