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Gaming => Play By Post => Topic started by: Hard Rain on 03 July 2011, 15:52:33

Title: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 03 July 2011, 15:52:33
May I ask if I would be doing this if I tried to stir up some interest in online gaming again as I am not going to see any of you lovely people any time soon & now work have stopped being such ......... about me accessing the internet at night I would be more than happy to run.

Dark Heresy
Pathfinder D&D

ok well over to you then

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: EvilGinger on 03 July 2011, 19:10:33
Possibly  but only if it was going to last beyond character generation as previous attempts singularly failed to do.


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 06 July 2011, 05:00:13
any one else please? I get so bored & am a really nice gm  :'( :'(

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: slug on 06 July 2011, 17:07:47
You can count me in, as long as you don't mind 8 hour delays in responses.

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 06 July 2011, 17:40:34
Hugs Slug

I work nights so that's not a problem, dealing with the nights when nothing happens is, But given where I work you really don't want something happen either & on line gaming is so much more "fun" than the alternatives.

Thank you slug you have rejuvenated my faith in non apathetic gamers

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: slug on 07 July 2011, 00:08:26
If this could be Pathfinder I would be more familiar with the rules (assuming pathfinder is like D&D 3.5).

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: EvilGinger on 07 July 2011, 01:07:18
Pathfinder is a lot like 3.5 from my reading of it though I have not played it yet.


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 08 July 2011, 20:58:23
Hi slug, 
As Gizmo says it is indeed pretty much 3rd ed D&D but the game I have in mind would be more roleplaying than combat as online gaming doest suit hack & slash games all that well. I was thinking of starting a Political game at 3-4th level with players being the courtiers of a young and aggressive king of a nation every one has so far ignored or treated with contempt.

if that floats your boat or any one else for that mater contact me by pm

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: slug on 08 July 2011, 22:22:18
My boat is indeed floated.

With the holiday season coming up do you want to push the start date out a little bit. I will be in the UK for about 3 weeks with limited access to a computer.  Whilst in Seattle I have more time/internet than on vacation.

I can see the drawbacks of hack and slash coupled with a time delay.

Who else is up for this.

[For the LHR mob, I am thinking of a character like Brin +:laughing4=+::laughing4:]

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 10 July 2011, 19:14:11
I am not planing on rushing this as I feel that my pushing it before might have been part of the reason the games did not last. To speed things up at the start I would state that all the characters know each other, and can get along with each other at least on a professional level.  I would go back and detail the what the how and the why latter once the game was up and running.

I want a gritty social and political game where I can keep the combat down but make it quite vicious when it does happen. Ideally  I would like at least four characters of complimentary classes & races but for reasons which will become apparent no Gnomes.

Hope you have a good Holiday Slug

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: EvilGinger on 10 July 2011, 21:15:43
Ok I will sort somthing out, likly a human wizard  but its good to know there is no rush. It would also be quite good to know what sort of level we are aiming at starting at


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: slug on 18 August 2011, 22:16:22
Righty ho.  I am now back in the US of A and would like to go ahead with this.

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: EvilGinger on 19 August 2011, 04:46:36
Not heard from Hard Rain for a Bit so I will message her on Face book & see what happens


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 22 August 2011, 15:50:47
Sorry Slug work has been more than a little fraught lately as we have had some rather boisterous guests & are getting looked at buy stupid people with clipboards who think we cost too much money & want to cut our grant  +:cussing=+::cussing: +:bandhead=+::banghead: +:angryfire=+::angryfire: +:angryfire=+::angryfire: +:coffee=+::coffee:

but back to a world where you can solve such problems with a sword or spell  :).

Remembering what has been discussed so far we have a Pathfinder game starting at first level Evil to play a wizard? & Slug to play something but I gather from Gizmo not a gnome.

Gen up your characters & I will think of something to do to them  >:D

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: slug on 22 August 2011, 16:56:05
Does anyone have a pathfinder character generator?

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Zarniwoop on 22 August 2011, 18:00:37
You can try an automated excel sheet (, or  try the demo of hero lab ( it has data files for pathfinder

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: EvilGinger on 22 August 2011, 21:25:17
No But as I need one I shall go looking the free one on the Pathfinder site is a Beta of the paid for one by e-tools?

Zarni  thank you I have had a look at both & will probably get the Hero labs one or do the generation with Dice and a pencil as its only first level


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 22 August 2011, 21:57:26
Tut tut boys and there toys :o what's wrong with pencil & dice or the die roller here if I can remember how to use it  ;)

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: slug on 22 August 2011, 23:59:07
I can roll the dice and right down numbers but not having a rule book is a bit of a downer.  I do have some beta pdfs but as I found in the summer there are some bits that are horribly wrong.

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: EvilGinger on 23 August 2011, 17:28:39
Yes I remember that Slug and I think the best bet is either the books which are available in PDF or the Hero lab download which is a similar price to the Main book in as as PDF, wasn't there also somthing strange about the Data on the Herolabs Demo too?


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Zarniwoop on 23 August 2011, 18:00:36
With the Hero Lab Demo Pathfinder Files you can not print or save the character but can preview the printout for copying data to paper char sheet ;)

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 23 August 2011, 19:13:56
Ok sorry for being a bit Snarky but its too hot & I have been having difficulty sleeping which makes me grumpy, I am going to be getting the Herolabs Program at the week end and would happily run your character through it if you rolled the dice & chose the class and feats and so forth. I am working on the idea that we can get some sort of text output/ save the character sheet and attach it to a post here or something like that.

I will leave Gizmo to work out the details as he is my pet geek ;) and will also have the program I believe.

Until then have a think about character background things, remembering that they are first level

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: slug on 23 August 2011, 19:48:37
OK, I am thinking of a rogue who will also be adept with a bow (if it aint broke, don't fix it). I would prefer an elf but if race is an issue can work with something else

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 23 August 2011, 20:31:21
Slug - not really I am at least starting with a default D&D type setting so all the races and classes in the Pathfinder book are allowed a thief, sorry rogue would work well.

I am using a points as per Pathfinder page 15 with all the attributes  starting at 10  except the prime requite for your class which will start at 13 but counting as 10 for the costs of spending points to increase it. You will have 18 points to spend as per the chart on page 16 you can decrease attributes as per the table & if you have racial modifiers you can have them as high as 20 or as low as 5 because of them. Racial modifiers are applied after you spend your points.

I will answer any more questions tonight when I have got stuff under control at work

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: slug on 23 August 2011, 20:40:05
Pepper spray and stun guns are legal here, want me to mail you some samples?

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 24 August 2011, 03:40:23
Thank you,  you are such a considerate person Slug

I will be on line over night on and off if you have any problems or questions but I am not expecting to have characters done till next week though

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Deebee on 24 August 2011, 13:16:58

DB here (from LHR group, known Slug for a looonnnnng time). Only just picked up o this thread (some of Slug's summer visit comments now make a little more sense to me).

I may well be interested in join if there are space available, Winchester group don't do D20 D&D stuff so would be happy to get a more regular "fix".

What sort of regularity are we talking for sessions? I don't want to sign up only to find I can't commit enough time to it and annoy everyone.


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: EvilGinger on 24 August 2011, 16:51:09
welcome aboard Debee a pleasure to game with you again. I will leave the details to Hard Rain who is GM, but most on line games are pretty much continuous but with  dead lines for time critical stuff like combat to stop that causing the game to come to a grinding halt. A statement of intent also helps in such cases as a GM can then act for the player if they miss the dead line, according to that statement.

I think Hard rain is planing something combat light and hight on intrigue since that works best online 


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Deebee on 24 August 2011, 17:38:39
Hi EvilG nice to hear from you again.

On the subject of software for character creation I have been using Metacreator - does seem much to look at but it is a very flexible system. It does not have Pathfinder rule sets but does have the OGL SRD 3.5 rules.

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 24 August 2011, 18:15:05
Gizmo is correct :o DeBee you are welcome on board and I defiantly have room for you so far we have a Wizard & a Rouge but given the nature of the game don’t feel constrained too much by party balance as that I find is only ever critical in combat situations and I don’t want to do too much of that as it goes too slowly online. The best thing to go for is a fun character you would like to play.

I am no expert on character generation programs but I would warn you that D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder diverge some what, even if they are similar in many respects. I suggest you look at the SRD for Pathfinder on the PAIZO website for more detail and I think they have conversion rules there too as Pathfinder is designed to be used with 3.5 materials with minimal adjustments.

Even so I will have the HeroLabs character generator at the weekend & will feed the numbers into it as required.

I will be posting a begging thread to give you some background of the game area tonight if work doesn't get too silly busy

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: slug on 24 August 2011, 21:45:14
I have got some stats and a background together.  Can I email them to you?

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 25 August 2011, 16:57:39
yes of course you can, passing briefly to check she had an e-mail address listed on her profile  I look forward to seeing it. Same goes for any on else who wants to join in the fun

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Deebee on 26 August 2011, 11:51:34
Shall we get Zarni to set up a separate child board for this game? (Perhaps a name other than flogging a dead horse?)

I was thinking of a Cleric character, but perhaps you would post some background before I make it too fanatical and doesn't fit the setting.


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Zarniwoop on 26 August 2011, 15:04:03
Hard Rain Pathfinder (

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 26 August 2011, 20:49:47
Zarni you are so brilliant I was going to ask you to do that for me but this is my day off & I had boring stuff to do before I could do fun stuff, like Sleep as I was working last night, & I have been downloading and setting up HeroLabs on and off and have just got it up and running to play with.

I tried to post a bit of starting background from work but the connection drooped and didn't come back up until my opportunity had rather passed, I will do that tonight as I have some notes on what I was going to post under the cat.

be back with more soon


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 27 August 2011, 17:10:45
Just to Bring you up to date I now have HeroLabs and I think I understand how it works well enough to get it to do what I want. Even more shockingly it will do what I want it to :o with out a great fight.

So send me your character back ground and its attributes generated as I  described before and I will e-mail you a PDF of the character and we can discuss any nips and tucks it may need. I am already doing this with Slugs Character though I do need to down load a PDF tool so its still being a bit annoying.

Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: EvilGinger on 27 August 2011, 19:20:41
Got mine done though I am having trouble getting the PDF thing to install so I shall have to send you the stat block instead the system otherwise seems to work quite well


Title: Re: Flogging a dead horse
Post by: Hard Rain on 28 August 2011, 12:27:14
Thank you Gizmo, any one in on this as I am getting the hang of the character generator now.