Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming => Hard Rain - Pathfinder => Topic started by: Hard Rain on 17 November 2011, 20:18:24

Title: The Market square in Kultekakun- traders and stock stalls
Post by: Hard Rain on 17 November 2011, 20:18:24
Gizmo you are here

There are two parts to this the first is a market within a market which serves the Horse fair and sells related goods Saddlery brassware tack, as well as farriers, silver smiths and clothiers who trade in riding clothing or foot ware, and so forth as well as small food stalls the Trevit wagon works has a large trade stand here which is generously staffed by gnome apprentices.

The other half is where the stock brought to the Fair is kept and prepared and this consists of several enclosures made of trestles full of horse flesh and a veritable encampment of wagons carts an the like  swarming with the servants of the various traders all working on making their good look the best they can. There are both gnomes and halflings amongst these but the halflings all seem to be around one set of enclosures and armed but not ostentatiously so

Over to you

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun- traders and stock stalls
Post by: EvilGinger on 17 November 2011, 23:37:49
b]Selingil [/b]
goes looking for a food stall & having no coin attempts to acquire some without paying

Rolled 1d20-1 : 19 - 1, total 18

Slight of hand check


Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun- traders and stock stalls
Post by: EvilGinger on 17 November 2011, 23:40:13
Having succeeded :o in stealing a morsel to stave off his hunger Selengil goes off to speak to the Halflings about master Proudfoot


Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun- traders and stock stalls
Post by: Hard Rain on 20 November 2011, 06:27:17
OOC sorry but I had trouble getting on BB from home yesterday

The halflings who Selengil speaks to know Master Proudifoot but dont actually work for him, they say that all his people are keeping tight and are all around by his stock pens but that they haven't seen him. They have heard rumours of trouble but have no more detail on it that that even though Halfling traders are notorious gossips

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun- traders and stock stalls
Post by: EvilGinger on 20 November 2011, 17:37:46
So did I strangely enough I though that I had run out of Juice but had not when I checked so put it down to the vagaries of the inter nerd

Selengil finds this strange Halflings to his small knowledge are quite gregarious folk at least amongst their own kind & not ones to keep secrets. Interesting he thinks and goes off the report back whilst finishing off the last of his stolen meal


Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun- traders and stock stalls
Post by: Hard Rain on 24 November 2011, 17:17:29
make a perception roll please

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun- traders and stock stalls
Post by: EvilGinger on 24 November 2011, 19:06:27
Rolled 1d20+5 : 5 + 5, total 10

ok what happens?
