Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming => Roleplaying => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 16 August 2012, 21:39:30

Title: Iron Kingdoms RPG
Post by: EvilGinger on 16 August 2012, 21:39:30
I have downloaded some of the support documents from the Privateer web site for this & its another game I am keen to give a try especially as I have run its predecessor which was based on D&D 3.0 I am also rather a fan of the related miniatures games. If any one would like to join me in having a go at this I would be happy to run it.


Title: Re: Iron Kingdoms RPG
Post by: Gendrill on 17 August 2012, 18:01:35
Would be interested if i am in Burton at the time of a game and you need to make the numbers up  ;)

Title: Re: Iron Kingdoms RPG
Post by: jasksta on 17 August 2012, 20:40:37
Count me in mate :-)