Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => Welcome => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 12 November 2012, 04:52:36

Title: Welcome gcc
Post by: Zarniwoop on 12 November 2012, 04:52:36
Welcome gcc to the Big Bang Burger Bar.

I hope you will find us all friendly and welcoming.
Feel free to join in conversations and please do reply telling us a little about yourself.

Title: Re: Welcome gcc
Post by: gcc on 12 November 2012, 05:06:43
Thanks, glad to be here!  This is a pretty extensive forum.  I'm a big sci fi / sword & sorcery fan, gamer (table top rpgs and boardgames) and Hitch Hiker's fan! 

I also run a gaming convention website called Game Convention Central.  We list game cons ( from all over the world.  Of particular interest is probably our UK Game Convention ( list with 35 game conventions listed.  In addition we have over 400 additional gaming cons from the rest of the world.
Game Convention Central (

Title: Re: Welcome gcc
Post by: EvilGinger on 12 November 2012, 07:08:20
welcome on board & I hope you have fun


Title: Re: Welcome gcc
Post by: Zarniwoop on 12 November 2012, 16:34:38
Hiya, I have come across your convention website before and posted a comment via the contact us form to let you know about sources for additional Conventions within the UK.

Currently missing from your list is Raiders of the Game Cupboard ( a quarterly one day event (Schedule here ( and Beer & Pretzels ( and annual event run by Spirit Games (

Glad you like the place, hope you continue to enjoy using the Burger Bar.

Title: Re: Welcome gcc
Post by: EvilGinger on 12 November 2012, 17:15:40
 +:wave=+::wave: +:wave=+::wave: +:wave=+::wave:  Don't forget that Beer & Pretzels is now twice a year as even I can remember we have just had the Autumn one....
