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Gaming => Wings Of War => Topic started by: CrazyFrog on 31 March 2009, 19:53:43

Title: CrazyFrog's Wings Of War List
Post by: CrazyFrog on 31 March 2009, 19:53:43
I went shopping in Spirit and got the WW1 Famous Aces and WW2 Dawn of War starter sets.

(I rolled a -1 on my willpower save ;D )

Also got the following planes.

Axis Central Powers
WW08CFokker D.VIIErnst UdetGermanyS2
WW07IAlbatros D.VaKurt JentschGermanyS1
WW07KFokker DR. IFritz KempfGermanyS1
WW08ILFG Roland C.IInone (Luftstreitskräfte)GermanyS2

WW07CSpad XIIIEdward V. RickenbackerUSAS1
WW07DSopwith CamelWilliam G. BarkerGreat BritainS1
WW08ESopwith SnipeThomas Charles Richmond BakerAustraliaS2
WW13iUfag C.ILuftfahrtruppen 2AustriaS3

Title: Re: CrazyFrog's Wings Of War List
Post by: EvilGinger on 31 March 2009, 20:08:17
so you did one old chap and just when I was hoping you had become accustomed to the will power loss caused by intensive playing of Archam Horror it mimics the sanity  loss of the characters in game I understand.

One small point the Austrians where central powers and on the same side as the Germans in WW1 just like the Turks, and the Italians where on the allied side


Title: Re: CrazyFrog's Wings Of War List
Post by: Dat on 01 April 2009, 18:05:17
So much for staying in the black.

Title: Re: CrazyFrog's Wings Of War List
Post by: EvilGinger on 01 April 2009, 18:51:03
aye not that I would not have bought all of the above and more had my disposable cash run to any thing more than the odd can of coke or bag of nibbles these days.


PS I can supply Drakens for balloon busting if any one is interested

Title: Re: CrazyFrog's Wings Of War List
Post by: zombielord28 on 02 April 2009, 19:27:52
frog got W of W Watch your back and:

Airco twin seater
Rolland Twin seater

Sopwith camel ( Biggles fan)

so 2 for tommies 2 for the 'filthly hun'

ive only got B damage cards have u got both sts in Famous aces?