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Gaming Groups => Burton Delvers => Topic started by: whitefire on 04 October 2007, 19:52:39

Title: Postapocalypse RPG - Damnation Alley / Postman / Morrow Project Hybrid
Post by: whitefire on 04 October 2007, 19:52:39
Okay - I mentioned this to a few people the other day at the first get together for the B5 game.

I am mad keen on developing a good old fashioned post apocalypse RPG drawing on all my favourite sf books from the setting - principally Damnation Alley, The Postman, SOS / VAR / NEQ, Daethlands etc... (all quality literature!). To this end I have started development on this background. If anyone is interested in helping out then stick your oar in here!

I'm less concerned about mechanics for a game - in use I'll probably either use the Savage Worlds system or perhaps Hero 5th Edition, or possibly even a straight lift of the Serenity RPG mechanics (they'd work well - even the assets and complications wouldn't be too bad...).

Title: Re: Postapocalypse RPG - Damnation Alley / Postman / Morrow Project Hybrid
Post by: Zarniwoop on 04 October 2007, 20:09:20
Savage Worlds system would be good for me. I have the Explorers book plus Pirates of the Spanish Main RPG which is based on the same system so hopefully soon I will be a bit more familiar with that system myself.

I like any sci-fi setting so sounds good, not familiar with the source material but if you need any input / proof reading etc I am always willing to help out.

Title: Re: Postapocalypse RPG - Damnation Alley / Postman / Morrow Project Hybrid
Post by: whitefire on 04 October 2007, 20:26:10
Imagine post nuclear / bio-hazard / major global ELE type event - survivors in a variety of settings etc....

Mutant animals, deformed humans, insects taking over the world, freak weather systems, human-kinds innate ability to screw everything up etc... and you might get the idea. It can even extend to a Snake Pliskin type setting (Escape from New York).

I was a great fan of post-apocalypse fiction for many years - based on a love of B-movies, rubbish cheap paperbacks and an pre-occupation on doom laden future scenarios in the real world (I had been a member of CND for years!). If you wish to become familiar with the genre I will lend you a copy of Damnation Alley - probably the most famous of all books in the genre.

Title: Re: Postapocalypse RPG - Damnation Alley / Postman / Morrow Project Hybrid
Post by: whitefire on 23 November 2007, 17:28:28
Has anyone used the RIFTS system? Reason I ask is beacuse this will make life a lot simpler for this game, as there is some great source material alreay in post apocalypse worlkds.

I am a fan of Savage Worlds though so I might need convincing to go to RIFTS