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Gaming => Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 15 September 2009, 13:00:38

Title: Strike the earth ( a proposed WFRP game)
Post by: EvilGinger on 15 September 2009, 13:00:38

A party of eager young dwarves wanted to undertake an arduous quest to find the lost citadel of Karak Urgvul in the east. Will likely involve crossing Orc and Ogre infested lands before passing beyond the edge of current geographical lore and into the unknown. All interested party's meet with Urien Iron sole at the Blue boar before the month turns

Title: Re: Strike the earth ( a proposed WFRP game)
Post by: EvilGinger on 02 October 2009, 16:27:20
I now own the last ever copy of WHFRP 2.0 from spirit games so the games a go if any one is interested &  I have time.


PS Zarni could we have a gloating smiley as once again I feel its lack

Title: Re: Strike the earth ( a proposed WFRP game)
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 02 October 2009, 17:08:32
Day, place, time? Play-by-post or round at your place, etc?

There's no question of IF I'm interested. Just of what I have to do/arrange to get there. ^_^

Title: Re: Strike the earth ( a proposed WFRP game)
Post by: EvilGinger on 03 October 2009, 06:38:51
bearing in mind that I am borderline psychotic from a combination of lack of sleep and caffeine I will get back to you on that but in theory I could run it on alternate Fridays with DH if you can get me enough people willing to play Dorfs



Title: Re: Strike the earth ( a proposed WFRP game)
Post by: EvilGinger on 19 November 2009, 22:21:19
found this on Deviant art and thought it appropriate to the game
