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Gaming => Play By Post => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 20 September 2009, 06:40:47

Title: Five go to the space port Play by post players report here
Post by: EvilGinger on 20 September 2009, 06:40:47
I am expanding the already epic Dark heresy game which is FIVE GO TO THE SPACE PORT by adding an element of Play by Post for those who cant make it to games but would like to take part. I have already recruited my friend Mill's and I am hoping to recruit more people.

Any one interested please post here and say so any sort of characters welcome but the tone of this game will be a bit more Inquisitorial than the table top run.


Title: Re: Five go to the space port Play by post players report here
Post by: Hard Rain on 20 September 2009, 11:33:57
Investigator Tilda Ruthven reporting for duty, I await the arrival of the others

Title: Re: Five go to the space port Play by post players report here
Post by: Dat on 21 September 2009, 13:39:55
Purely interested in how this works, does this invlove an interweaving storyline that touches on events in the main Dark Heresy games Si and Stace are in? Cos thats a good idea an' all.

Title: Re: Five go to the space port Play by post players report here
Post by: EvilGinger on 21 September 2009, 17:18:46
Yes it involves that though the players online are more senior and have a potentially better idea of what is going on. I intend it to fill in some of the gaps in the story and go of and generate stuff for the table top people to do as well as the table top game reflecting back into the online game.

I will be posting more details as I write it up


Title: Re: Five go to the space port Play by post players report here
Post by: morgalahan on 25 September 2009, 00:27:12
Ahh, so does that exclude the people who play the table top version from playing in this then? If we ARE allowed to play in this, do we get MORE characters (for those who already have 2) or do our cockroaches...I mean scum, get to be involved. If I were interested in this, and were allowed to play it, how would it work?

Title: Re: Five go to the space port Play by post players report here
Post by: Hard Rain on 25 September 2009, 03:22:44
You could also join my little game whilst waiting for Godo sorry Evilginger to make up his mind


Title: Re: Five go to the space port Play by post players report here
Post by: EvilGinger on 25 September 2009, 07:41:11
morgalahan  1 it dosent exclude any one its just a game which covers some of the events behind what the table to group are up to. It dose exclude their characters though. 2 if you where interested you would be certainly welcome to join in. 3 its not connected at all to hard rains game.

Hard Rain is going to feel the wrath of an Evilginger if she carrys on like that


Title: Re: Five go to the space port Play by post players report here
Post by: Hard Rain on 25 September 2009, 16:17:41
I am so scared I will have to hide I really will .....