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Gaming => Dawn Crusade => Topic started by: Hard Rain on 07 October 2009, 06:52:02

Title: GAME AREA Inqusitional Archives Vorres III Moon station (Malius subsection)
Post by: Hard Rain on 07 October 2009, 06:52:02
Quintos & Mordecai are here if they travel to the moon

The moon surface under a thin atmosphere is pitted with craters both natural and man made the civil starport sits in one of these atop a flattened hive structure that holds the majority of the moons population. The Inquisitorial libuary is some way a way and can only be reached by a helo flight from the space port in a inquisitorial helo

The inquisitorial library and archive is situated in a spire growing out of on of the natural craters surrounded by battery's of heavy and medium lances and despite its ornamentation obviously a fortress with even the glitter of a void shield generator running on low power.

Inside the building resembles the Ministorium building being a warren of grey anonymous corridors in which it would be impossible to find your way without a guide in this case a robed high functioning Servitor assigned to visitors by the security guards at the gate.

Title: Re: GAME AREA Inqusitional Archives Vorres III Moon station (Malius subsection)
Post by: EvilGinger on 08 October 2009, 18:45:12

Mordecai and Quintos travel across the city by public transit after sending their servo skulls away and Mordecai purchases a ticket on the commercial shuttle to Vores III moon station. Carefully retaining the receipt and mumbling about expenses.

If he gets the chance he will try to talk to Quintos about things psychic something he knows absolutely nothing about , he is not even sure Quintos is a psycher having never seen his sanctioning mark.

Title: Re: GAME AREA Inqusitional Archives Vorres III Moon station (Malius subsection)
Post by: Hard Rain on 09 October 2009, 03:44:34
Data mining in the main inquisitional archive

With Mordecai helping Quintos's search of the well organised but mostly hard copy archive takes some considerable time and effort. That the librarians are all hi functioning servitors makes life even more awkward as they will fetch what you want if you know what it is called so you can ask them to fetch.

However despite these difficulties you do manage to discover something but its interpretation is arguable.