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Gaming => Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 19 November 2009, 22:28:11

Title: Prerelease Demo of WHFP 3rd edition
Post by: EvilGinger on 19 November 2009, 22:28:11
I have been asked to run this by Phil as I mentioned yesterday It looks interesting and I think worth giving a try

 >:D Ginger

Title: Re: Prerelease Demo of WHFP 3rd edition
Post by: Hard Rain on 20 November 2009, 08:57:07
cool can we have more detail so I can be properly disappointed when I cant get to it due to work

Title: Re: Prerelease Demo of WHFP 3rd edition
Post by: Dat on 20 November 2009, 14:20:46
Hmmmm  +:beer=+::beer:

Title: Re: Prerelease Demo of WHFP 3rd edition
Post by: EvilGinger on 26 November 2009, 06:30:58

Having tried to run this last night and now having had a chance to study the rules I would like the opportunity to test the system and would like three players who will defiantly be available to test it.

The system is quite elaborate and is not easy to grasp in the first instance due to very heavy board game elements in it. This makes it intrusive and I am not a fan of that in general but the components are well made and the rules seem as is typical with fantasy flight games to be well thought through. The warhammer setting is also fun and seems to be faithfully reproduced

so step forward first come first serve


Title: Re: Prerelease Demo of WHFP 3rd edition
Post by: whitefire on 26 November 2009, 19:09:24

I have my eye on this baby so would like to have a go.

I am flexible about gaming and - to a degree - can do daytimes a bit for now.

Title: Re: Prerelease Demo of WHFP 3rd edition
Post by: EvilGinger on 27 November 2009, 05:54:18
well that's one Victim volunteer I am going to try to run it in the shop Saturday 28th (this Saturday) if any one else can make it otherwise I will run it for Whitefire as the beginning scenario looks like it could be solo'd if you ran two characters.

This is something which seems straightforward as all the characters ability's are in front of you on cue cards 


Title: Re: Prerelease Demo of WHFP 3rd edition
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 27 November 2009, 06:26:10
Well, technically I'm free in saturday afternoon, but to be quite honest, probably best to plan on me not being available, due to the time I'd be finishing and generally needing to do stuff. Interested in hearing how it runs, though.

Title: Re: Prerelease Demo of WHFP 3rd edition
Post by: whitefire on 27 November 2009, 18:16:37
Simon - Great plan, however I can't be there tomorrow as I have several prior commitments. I could do one day early next week though if any suit you.

Title: Re: Prerelease Demo of WHFP 3rd edition
Post by: EvilGinger on 28 November 2009, 07:26:27
ok I grant it was very short notice and would suggest Tuesday 1st of December in the shop as an alternative
