Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #15 on: 09 September 2023, 17:20:43 » |
Using the create in play I will add LT-CMDR Emma O'Connell
LT-CMDER Emma O'Connell
Traits: Liberated Borg, Human
Attributes Control: 11, Daring: 8, Fitness: 10, Insight: 9, Presence: 7, Reason: 11
Disciplines Conn: 5, Science: 3
Value "I will never tolerate oppression"
Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #16 on: 09 September 2023, 17:44:05 » |
I am also adding ENS Baker using the same method
ENS Akio Baker; Operations Manager
Traits: Human
Attributes Control: 10, Daring: 7, Fitness: 8, Insight: 9, Presence: 9, Reason: 10
Disciplines Conn: 4, Engineering: 4
Value "I am always honest, to a fault"
Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #17 on: 10 September 2023, 08:33:50 » |
Act III, Scene I - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)
LT Jin has been preparing the subspace manipulator to generate a warp bubble to trap the entity.
Now that LT Jin has game stats we can use we will roll on Reason+Science =15 (and we will add the focus Warp Field Dynamics, the first of six that can be added) (rolled 8 & 18) this gives us an advantage but no momentum. (lucky circumstance).
LT Jin briefs the senior officer's that they can uses the energy readings taken from CAPT Atwell after he was transported in to space to accurately capture the entity.
It is decided that Captain Ryan, LT Jin and LT Koivisto
LT Koivisto is the Chief of Security
Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #18 on: 10 September 2023, 09:08:45 » |
Act III, Scene II - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)
The away team arrive on Starbase 277, wearing EVA suits. The Starbase is badly damaged and systems are barely functioning. We need to make our way to the Operations centre (the closes we could transport to was the Operations is the cargo deck.
To get to the Operations centre I am going to do a single 2d20 roll against sets of attributes for each character.
Captain Ryan: Fitness+Security=11 LT Jin: Fitness+Security =11 (I have added Security 3 as a discipline) LT Koivisto: Structure+Security=12 (as yet LT Koivisto has no attributes) Rolled (3 & 12) all three succeed, but threat is generated as well as momentum Threat: Subspace (lost in subspace) & Momentum: trade opportunity (energy reserve replenished)
As the approach Operations the entity attacks shifting them in to a subspace eddy. LT Jin notes that the Subspace eddy has boosted the effectiveness of the subspace manipulator if used in the eddy.
it would also allow two of the officers to escape the subspace eddy
Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #19 on: 10 September 2023, 09:11:17 » |
At this point I will use the create in play to add LT Koivisto
LT Sophia Koivisto
Traits: Human
Attributes Control: 9, Daring: 10, Fitness: 10, Insight: 10, Presence: 9, Reason: 8
Disciplines Security: 5, Medicine: 3
Values "I protect the crew"
Note: her name is Finnish
« Last Edit: 10 September 2023, 09:12:48 by Arnu »
Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #20 on: 10 September 2023, 09:45:15 » |
Act III, Scene III - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)
LT Koivisto act before Captain Atwell and LT Jin can react. Triggering the subspace manipulator
Using Reason+Engineering = 11 (Engineering 3 added) (rolled 15 & 19) a failure but because she is needs to succeed not only will be generating threat but also a complication Threat: temporal anomaly (vision of a dark future timeline) Dark Future: Diplomacy (Defend Starfleet officer in court) Complication: Mesmerized crew
Captain Atwell and LT Jin are overwhelmed by visions of a tense scene from the near future where Captain Atwell is on trial for the death of thousands.
They appear on Starbase 277 in a catatonic state.
Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #21 on: 10 September 2023, 17:27:21 » |
Act III, Scene IV - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)
ENS baker reports that there is no response from LT Koivisto's suit and Captain Atwell and LT Jin's suits are registering minimal life signs.
CMDR Araujo orders the medical department to administer a simulant through the EVA suits build in hypospray system.
Using Sensors+Medicine=12 (with the talent high-resolution scanners) (rolled 1 & 7) this gives us momentum and advantage Momentum: Advanced warning (anticipate foe's strategy) Advantage: Lucky circumstance
The medical department initiates the simulant and to rouse the two officers. LT Baker informs them that the entity is trying to shift the station in to a subspace eddy.
Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #22 on: 10 September 2023, 18:00:29 » |
At this stage I will add CMDR Araujo using create in play
CMDR Merida Araujo, Executive Officer
Traits: Human
Attributes Control: 8, Daring: 10, Fitness: 10, Insight: 9, Presence: 10, Reason: 9
Disciplines Command: 4, Security: 4
Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #23 on: 10 September 2023, 18:43:03 » |
Act III, Scene V - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)
While Captain Atwell tries to draw the entity to the warp bubble. LT Jin prepares to spring the trap and the Transporter chief Crewman Farraday tries to beam LT Koivisto out of the subspace eddy before the warp bubble is triggered.
I will use one 2d20 roll against each of the actions taken (Rolled: 7 & 16) Captain Ryan: Daring+Command = 15 LT Jin: Reason+Science = 15 (with Warp Field Dynamics) Crewman Farraday: Sensors+Engineering = 12 (with High-resolution sensors)
Captain Atwell manages to lure the entity in to the warp bubble while LT Jin activates the trap causing the warp bubble to close.
Crewman Farraday and LT Jin both get and advantage Farraday: Federation assistance Jin: Surprise discovery
Crewman Farraday with assistance of the USS Rushton (that arrived on the scene following the Windsor's report of the situation) help to locate and transport LT Koivisto out of the subspace eddy.
As LT Jin is activating the trap she realizes that there are three lifeforms connected (Adminal Smith, Enshara and a parasitic energy life form). LT Jin attempts to trap just the parasite.
Using Insight+Science=15 (and adding Rapid Analysis focus) Rolled: 7 & 12 (giving both Momentum and Advantage) Momentum: Danger revealed (alien ambassador reports danger) Advantage: Lucky circumstance
LT Jin with aide from Enshara highlighting important reading and recognizing the energy reading taken from the Captain early is able to isolate the parasite trapping it in to the Warp bubble.
Realizing the Admiral is infected she signals the ship to put Admiral Smith in to isolation.
Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #24 on: 10 September 2023, 19:01:03 » |
Epilogue - A celebration of life (but not as we know it)
Captain's log - conclusions
With the aid of Captain Littleton and the crew of the USS Rushton we are able to bring Starbase 277 back online and return it personnel to the base.
LT Koivisto is recovering in the sickbay from the injuries taken in the subspace eddy.
Enshara left the Starbase shortly after the incident, hopefully that will be a good thing
I am citing LT Jin and LT Koivisto for their quick thinking and bravery in their duty, I have recommended Crewman Louise Farraday for promotion to Petty Officer.
On an additional note I have been contacted by Admiral Joyce Hossack who has informed me that she has arranged for the collection of the warp bubble containing the parasitic energy entity and the quarantined Admiral Kenton Smith. She also indicated a level of disappointment and in not following her order to the letter. She also reminded me that actions have consequences.
Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #25 on: 10 September 2023, 19:24:48 » |
in conclusion to the episode
Captain Ryan Atwell has a new value and a couple of character notes New Value: "If there are consequences I will deal with them" Character notes: Episode 1.1 - Had a vision of a dark future where he was on trial for thosands of deaths; Section 31 contact Admiral Hossack tell him that there are consquences for his action
LT Jin Sora Receives a citation for innovative thinking, I have also added the following value New Value: "I will prevent the dark future I have seen"
LT Sofia Koivisto Receives a citation for bravery is promoted to LT-CMDR
Crewman Louise Farraday is promoted to Petty Officer