October was another busy month for the shop games with the place filling up regularly so the games I describe below are only the ones I played in.
During this month we played the following games at the shop:
Red Dragon Inn 2This was the first play of this expansion and it was really good fun. It adds four new characters who have new and intersting twists to the game, a new drink deck with some new tweaks as well. I really enjoyed this game it's incredibly fun to play with the new characters making it a good addition if you already one the first. You can combine both sets to form a game suitable for upto 8 players which is a very neat idea. This game managed to break my current trend as I actually won this game...
Carcassonne: New WorldCarcassonne is always a favourite, and this variant adds new twists that always make it fun to play. I have yet to win at this one and the night we played this proved no exception as Sally and Oskar ran away with the lead.
Blue Moon CityThis game is really well made, really good artwork and components with an easy to learn but challenging game mechanic. Your aim is to rebuild the city and make sacrifices to the obelisk. The player to make the required sacrifices first wins. It is never hard to find players for this game and remains a favourite.
IgelsThis is a quirky game, not suited for younger players due to some of the subject matter depicted on the cards. That said the artwork is superb and whilst the rules seem complicated on first reading, the game actually plays quite well and was enjoyable. Our first game was a little slow as we were learning as we went but unfortunately as this was the last game of the evening and we were all getting a little tired we abandoned this mid game. We will play this again as it was fun and it will be nice to see how the game pans out.
Red Dragon Inn 1&2Having played Red Dragon Inn 2 i felt inspired so took along both sets and managed to get a 5 player game which proved to be quite fun and the extra player(s) does change the dynamic of the game. I will definitely be trying to get more people together to have a bigger game of this as it should be hilarious fun.
Hare & TortoiseAnother timeless classic which we managed to introduce to a couple of new players. making careful use of backward moves, collecting / eating carrots you aim to get to the finish line first. In order to achieve this you first have to eat a number of lettuces in your hand by stopping on specific squares, you also can not cross the finish line with more than a certain amount of carrots which increases as others complete the race. Very enjoyable and every game is different as people always manage to break you well laid plans
Galaxy TruckerWe introduced Phil into the mayhem and fun that is Galaxy trucker, a game where you build spaceships out of scrap and race to reach your destination with your cargo and ship intact. This is plain fun, even the rules are written in theme with lots of humour, it has an introductory round in the rules to help people get used to how to play before launching into the advanced rules in later rounds. We have great fun playing this won and I think Phil even won this, no surprise I did not win it was my game after all

This will be played more at the shop when we can get on the bigger table