Ynes ponders, unconsciously nibbling on the data probe extended from her right index finger. Her lipstick is unblemished from it- either she has permanent lipstick tattoos or top-notch brand makeup. She removes it to speak. "Oh! Wait here, please, I'll be right back. I need to pick up my explosives." She returns, this time lost in a rust-red Mechanicus flakrobe, somewhat wrinkly, and opened in the front. Apparently she needed to make space in her suboptimally packed bag for her returned munitions.
"It seems to be the kind of case normally below the Inquisition's notice, sir. We're only involved due to the Arbites passing this to us, because they don't want to have to arrest a well-connected Ecclesiarch. I have a hunch there's something to it though; by the profile on the Ecclesiarch's handlers they seemed competent. Either he slipped this one past them or they're behind the broad-vox. I think they might be behind it." she ponders.
"Total speculation, but since this wasn't passed to the Ordo Herecticus for some reason - which
should have been the obvious Ordo from a political point of view due to their link with the Ecclesiarchy and the probability of a rogue psyker if the phenomena is real...I think House D'vion's extraordinary success with keeping their dealings private might be due to a friend in the Inquisition itself. Want to guess which Ordo?" she smirks, detaching the laspistol and holster from her shoulder holster through a clever modular catch. The bolt pistol goes in its place. "Possible shady activities explains why the System Governor - I guess would be Reeks? If he's not on station then the Station Governor would be Dylion I suppose -hasn't reported anything. Maybe they're busy trying to figure out how to deal with it themselves before they have to permanently shut down or move whatever they're up to that they want to remain secret," she opines.
"If that is true and our master
is aware of it, the question is - does he want us to get dirt on D'vion to score points with a Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor? Or does our master just not know who exactly their friend is, and he's just flushing a squiggchopper down the loo to see what comes out the other end?" Noticing your incomprehension of the slang she blushes slightly and explains "On the hulk we would get squiggs in the pipes, we'd take this chain-knife contraption just the size of the pipe and flush it....anyway, if we cause a ruckus at the station then he can find out who complains or pulls strings about it and follow the trail back." Tools - and the lascutter that earlier nearly made its escape from her pack -- go onto various pockets and rings around the outside of the robe. The holstered laspistol and punch-knife are now strapped to her right forearm. "It's possible he's hoping we'll either be killed or make a serious discovery if the operation there is important enough for them to need the time to move or cover it up. This would give him free reign to do a full invasive investigation of House D'vion. The formal investigation or finding out whatever they're up to there - either way a win for our master." You're a little taken aback by one so young sounding so cynical and full of realpolitik. She loads up the loops in her shoulder holster with grenades from her ready bag as she speaks, definitely showing awareness that the danger isn't just academic.
"Our best chance of success might be to take a page from House D'vion - plausible deniability because of 'rogue agents'. The more of a loose cannon we seem, the more likely they will be to use their contact to pull strings. He can't just threaten official pressure if we're obviously rogue. I suggest we ask the Son of Thunder to actually leave the system, too. We're more likely to draw them out then - I don't see how the Son of Thunder won't be located - they could have a top notch completely hidden passive sensor grid with 100% coverage if they have mining operations all over that system. On that note I think we should park the Naval assault company in full view right in the landing bays, and take control of the port landing defense arrays. Mess up their transhipment schedules, make their lower-level guys who have more to lose than gain get nervous and more likely to come to us or make a mistake. Otherwise I think they'll try to politely ignore us or 'handle' us - lets make sure they must deal with us directly." She closes the robe's now double breasted front, the snaps and buckles forming the right side of a two-headed eagle, the hood now up but still open enough to grab a grenade. "Cause a short-term problem for them that their string-pulling can't fix." she grins, her face now all shadow except for her crimson lips. Then frowns "This all assumes there are no Astropaths there. I assume there aren't, or the Ecclesiarch would have sent his message that way." Ynes stops and smiles self-consciously. She's pulled out a sailor's small plasteel rotgut flask from her pack, a dud bolter round permanently embedded in its center. She stuffs it under the double breast of her robe, right over her heart. "All your call, of course, sir, and just speculation." She folds her arms inside of her robes. "I'm going to do a quick weapons check, don't be alarmed." Almost faster than the eye can catch, her bolt pistol appears in her left hand, muzzle politely pointed toward the ground, then it is passed to her right. The same deft move and the laspistol appears. The laspistol looks jury-rigged for full auto, a modification usually seen used by hive gangers or some PDF troopers. You know most orthodox tech-priests consider that disrespect to the machine spirit. It disappears into her robe again. Now the dagger. She readjusts her holsters. Again, the quick draw routine. Satisfied, she concludes, all weapons re-concealed.
"Sir, permission to look into whether Kepler Mores - the Adept from Vorres prime that married into House D'vion - was doing records scrubbing for House D'vion here on Vorres prime - and then probably rewarded for it," Ynes asks Mordecai "He was broke, right? Reeks D'vion's 'misidentification' defense for his illegal duel charge just seems too good to be true, and just the sort of thing someone with the ability to modify cognem records could create. I'll need to see those records in person to be sure - I want to hand check any original records."
OOC: If given leave to investigate Ynes will arrange to have her Inquisition credentials sent to the wrong Administratum archive building, but still be in their system. The idea here is to limit the ability of anybody to stall her to exactly zero - she'll show up at the 'right' archive 'plex, and then refer the secretary/gatekeeper to the credentials already in the system, acting all angry and impatient at the mix-up of them being sent elsewhere. No chance for a last minute sprint for the shredder as she barges her way in then

In that case she should have the bolt pistol in full view outside the robe.