Think of it this way; How many children does the legislation have to save from asthma, lung cancer and so on before it is considered worthwhile, Zarni? What percentage of people smoking in their car before this legislation would need to quit doing so whilst their children are in there for this act to be considered to have improved the world in some small way?
A lot? A few? One?
Food for thought, at least.
Well in the short term it may influence a few people who smoke out the window and think thats ok, but once the publicity for the law has died down it will be forgotten. Just look at the row in the news today about Kids being left in the car, I didn't know until this report that there is a law against this and has been in place for some time.
The trouble with using legislation to effect social behavior is that it is a fire and forget scenario as the politicians move onto something else.
Prolonged informational campaigns I would think would be more effective and can be re-ignited to renew awareness, whereas putting a law in place makes people think "Job Done" then never revisit the problem.
I don't pretend to have all the answers but it seems all too easy to just pass a law and think that solves the problem.