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General Community => TV & Film => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 26 September 2015, 00:48:52

Title: Bond - Spectre Theme Tune
Post by: Zarniwoop on 26 September 2015, 00:48:52
So the theme tune has been released for the next Bond Film:

Whilst there are elements there of Classic Bond tunes I have to say I feel that Sam Smith's voice is not a good fit, nothing about it really grabs you.
Maybe it will seem better with the accompanying graphics from the title sequence but I'm kind of thinking that will be a tall order.

Title: Re: Bond - Spectre Theme Tune
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 26 September 2015, 02:27:03
From what little I've heard, it commits the cardinal sin of being unremarkable.

But who knows, maybe the more somber and subdued style will fit better with this particular Bond film? Guess there's one way to find out.