Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Games and Events (Winchester Delvers) => Topic started by: Ross on 27 September 2011, 09:41:56

Title: 27th Sept game
Post by: Ross on 27 September 2011, 09:41:56
I'll be out of the office most of today, but I will be coming tonight.


Title: Re: 27th Sept game
Post by: Deebee on 27 September 2011, 18:22:06
Eclipse phase is ready, not as prep'ed as I would like but playable.


Title: Re: 27th Sept game
Post by: Ross on 27 September 2011, 18:25:33
Just remember the salient points and then ad-lib. The players will never conform to a pre-gen anyway, so don't worry  :)