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Gaming => Hard Rain - Pathfinder => Topic started by: Hard Rain on 17 November 2011, 20:24:37

Title: The Market square in Kultekakun Auction ring
Post by: Hard Rain on 17 November 2011, 20:24:37
 Slug you are here

There are two parts the the auction a large show ring where the lots are paraded several times through the day before they are sold for all to look at, and which attracts a fair number of sightseers for want of a better description, and a smaller ring where each lot is brought just for the sale and is really only of interest to serious buyers. A number of both Gnomes and Halflings can be seen round both but none of the latter appear to be master Proudifeet they are all to young for a start.

Over to you

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun Auction ring
Post by: slug on 18 November 2011, 16:48:45
 Approach one of the Halflings  and ask if they have seen Master Proudifeet today.

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun Auction ring
Post by: Hard Rain on 20 November 2011, 06:32:41
OOC sorry but I had trouble getting on BB from home yesterday

Some of the halflings are closed mouthed, not a usual halfling trait & seem rather suspicious of one of the big folk asking about Master Prodifoot all of these are wearing the badge of the "prancing pony" the sign of the Proudifoot family & likely are related to him or work for him. The few that arn't speck of rumours of trouble involving the Proudifoots but have no real information, they will speculate wildly as is the custom of halflings with time on their hands

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun Auction ring
Post by: slug on 27 November 2011, 02:29:24

Speaking directly to one of the halflings wearing the prancing pony badge.
"I have business with Master Proudifeet, he hired me to look into the goings on with his farm and I need to speak with him. So have you seen him or not?"

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun Auction ring
Post by: Hard Rain on 27 November 2011, 08:27:23
The halfling looks suspicious a look out of place on his rather boyish features & he speaks "not saying nothin about the master lest he says I can & we ant seen hide nor hair of him since last night & he said nothin about hiring big folks either" as he speaks Galador notices several halflings also in the same livery watching hands in pockets looking grim faced.

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun Auction ring
Post by: slug on 30 November 2011, 04:31:30
"I assume you were to have met him here by now." Bending down so only the hobbit can hear me "Master Proudifeet mentioned of trouble with Gnomes also.  I will do what I can to find him"
Looks the hobbit in the eye and waits for a response.  If none then I will call to Meredith to joins the others by the clock tower.

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun Auction ring
Post by: Hard Rain on 05 December 2011, 22:18:51
Sorry about the outage blasted BT & co

the young halfling looks distinctly worried & the older ones move forward one particularly grizzled old gammer speaks "shut it kid big folks are nowt but trouble especially if they want to 'elp"

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun Auction ring
Post by: slug on 07 December 2011, 16:49:05
"Watch out for the Gnomes" Stretches back to his full height and walks away.