Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming => Miniatures & Wargaming => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 18 March 2009, 15:35:37

Title: Sub Forum Requests
Post by: Zarniwoop on 18 March 2009, 15:35:37
I have created some sub-forums for Heroclix and Star Wars minis but if you require any others then please either post here or PM me and I will create these for you.

Title: Re: Sub Forum Requests
Post by: EvilGinger on 16 November 2010, 06:46:39
Could you do a sub forum for me  here for Historical miniatures gaming as it looks like I am going to have to run BEER & LARD DAY 2 in 2011 & I would like to run a free for all gaming wargaming day earlier in the year if I can.

Title: Re: Sub Forum Requests
Post by: EvilGinger on 05 July 2011, 19:44:55
Could I have a Policeman's lot Sub forum & an Oldest Heresy  for Burton Delvers as it looks like they will overflow their current locations shortly.


Title: Re: Sub Forum Requests
Post by: EvilGinger on 01 February 2012, 20:03:33
Can we have a malifaux Sub forum please as the Malifaux night thing seem to be taking off quite a bit, & it would be nice to have somewhere to chat on the Burger Bar.


Title: Re: Sub Forum Requests
Post by: CrazyFrog on 02 February 2012, 10:42:49
Done Sir.

Any problems / tweaks pleae PM me.


Title: Re: Sub Forum Requests
Post by: EvilGinger on 03 February 2012, 14:50:09
No tweaks I think needed & I will see how it goes, well done friend Frog
