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Gaming => Miniatures & Wargaming => Topic started by: Spirit Games on 18 December 2012, 23:30:03

Title: SG: Kessel Run Results
Post by: Spirit Games on 18 December 2012, 23:30:03
( so much a tournament as a tea party with added spaceships - it's the way we do things here, food, drink and gaming go far too well together to be separated. Not that the battles weren't fierce, with Tie Fighters exploding in the approved manner, and the Slave1 going down in flames in the final showdown to give Mark victory in his first competitive event. Andy was the other finalist, with Colin a clear third and Simon snatching the fourth prize courtesy of a particularly hard fought draw in the second round. The others went home empty handed but with full stomachs, happiness all round at after a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.[/

( 1st Place   ( 2nd Place
( 3rd Place   ( 4th Place


Title: Re: SG: Kessel Run Results
Post by: EvilGinger on 19 December 2012, 07:06:26
Really a great fun event which we will have to try to do again some time preferably after I learn how to fly round asteroids as they are hard to manuver round with an imperial horde.....

I hope the eviller Ginger's cake poisoned no one
