Wow, I really have had a long break from session reports, a lot of things taking up my time lately, poor excuse I know, but the fact that no-one else from the group has bothered either saddens me slightly. Still here goes a rapid catchup to hopefully try and keep on top for future weeks:
August (7th, 14th, 21st and 28th)Forbidden Desert A follow up to
Forbidden Island this time with a bit more going on within the game. I really liked this and I certainly prefer it to the previous game as I felt that a little too light. This one is still light but there is a lot more going on and does provide a focus for the players to be running around the desert in the form of collecting parts to restore an ancient flying machine to escape death. Everything works well together and does provide tension and encourage team work to escape your collective fates. Great game, would definitely play again and the components are of excellent quality. Paul, Caz, Carl and Frog who all perished in the desert having failed.
We got to try out the new
Catan: Explorers and Pirates expansion for
Settlers of Catan which was very good, adds a lot of new twists to the basic game and has several scenarios that build in lots of different new mechanics. Really enjoyed the opening scenario that introduces the some of the basic new elements, later scenarios add in some more detailed options. Look forward to trying out more of these, in fact I liked it so much I bought a new copy of settlers just to play this with. Paul:8, Caz:7, Carl:7 and Frog:7
Guildhall a nice fun card game where you try to complete sets to use to then buy VP cards. By playing cards in front of you that you have in your guilds (sets) they can provide additional actions or benefits on your turn. There are also ways to interact, read scupper

, your fellow players in your pursuit of the win. The artwork is pretty good and the games is fun to play and has seen a fair amount of table time on the Wed nights. Whilst I will certainly play this if asked, its not one I have a huge desire to buy for myself, that said it is a very pleasant game and will appeal to a lot of gamers. Caz:20, Andy:18, Phil:17 and Paul:15
Medieval Mastery I really enjoy this game, it is simple and elegant in how it plays and works. I have bought one of the hand made first run editions as well as the final production copy, both of which were well made. It is a great game that I really should get to the table more often, though that can easily be said about a lot of my games

. For the price it is a no-brainer and should be part of any ones collection. Philsy beat Caz, Paul, Andy and Phil
Kings of Air and Steam Great fun and even though this is not a short game, as it was the only game we played that evening, there is little downtime so it does not feel like it drags. There is plenty of player interaction as you have to pre-plan your moves for the whole turn, meaning that sometimes you have to alter you actions as another player beats you to your destination. Excellent game and will certainly see more table time in the future. Philsy:158, Caz:139, Martin:130, Phil:102 and Paul:84
Infinite City A firm favourite with the Wed night group, this simple elegant game plays quickly and is a dream to teach. There is such a variety of tiles, each of which provides different actions to take, that no two games are ever the same. Really great fun and worthy of a place in your collection. Chris:19, Caz:18 and Paul:14
Drum Roll This has been in my collection for a while but I just do not get it to the table enough, which is a shame as this is a cracking little game. This is not a short game, which I really need to remind myself as I keep starting this late on a Wed and getting home late

. Despite its length is does not really outstay its welcome as the turns move along at an even pace, and by the 2nd & 3rd shows people are really getting the hang of things. Players are building up their Circus to tour various cities to entertain and earn prestige. Players compete to hire the various acts on offer, whilst trying to obtain the kinds of kinds of acts the places they are about to visit really want to see. In addition players can hire personnel to assist them as well as invest to improve their Circus. Before each show players place discs on the actions they want to take to prepare for each show, hire/invest/sell tickets/obtain resources, Paul:50, Chris:49, Phil:48 and Caz:30
September (4th, 11th, 18th and 25th)Kingsburg A really solid game that is a lot of fun to play, not had this on the table for a while so it was good to get another game of this in. Mixed in the new building sheets and the random replacement strips from the
Kingsburg: To Forge a Realm expansion. Richard:42, Caz:39, jack:35 and Paul 30
8 Min EmpireA really neat little area control game that is quick to play (though longer than 8m

) and easy to learn. Paul:12, Richard:11, Neil:10 and Caz:6
Race to Adventure I am still really enjoying playing this, it's a great filler game that plays quickly and is easy to pick up. There is lots of variety as the layout is different every game and with the cheap
Dinocalypse and the Hollow Earth expansion there is even more locations to explore!. Richard beat Paul, Philsy and Neil
Stone Age Lovely game I am always prepared to play, though I must get round to trying the expansion. Caz:167, Phil:139, Paul:127 and Colin 124
Franks Zoo A really fun little game that is sadly put of print, but it has proved popular over the years with the Wed night group as a quick filler game. Caz:12, Paul:10, Phil:6 and Sally:2
Alien Frontiers or Dicey Spacey Game as it has been nicknamed by the Wed group (In Particular Roy coined it). Fun game that is so well crafted it is a joy to play and whilst it involves rolling dice there are some nice mechanics and options to mitigate most of the luck. There are several upgrades/expansions and the 4th edition has just been kickstarted, well worth a play. Jack:9, Paul:7, Caz:7, Andy:5 and Richard:5
7 Wonders a firm classic with our gaming group and is one of those games that copes well with small or large groups of players without having a detrimental effect on the playing time or overall enjoyment of the game. There are a lot of cards in this game of differing types (Colours) providing resources, scoring, money, military strength etc. etc. all of which you have to decide what to play or deny your neighbour so there is a lot to consider. I really like this game as the quality of the cards and pieces is very good as is the gameplay to go with them. It plays quite quickly and with the Wonders having two sides there is a lot of options to keep the game fresh. Caz:66, Richard:53, Paul:42 and Andy:37
October (2nd, 9th and 16th)Keyflower I am really enjoying playing this and have racked up 3 plays so far, I do not own a copy myself but as two of the regular group do I can get my fix easy enough. Great game that plays really, though it always plays slightly longer than you think. That said the turns rattle along at a decent pace, once you get a hang of things, and each game plays so differently it is always a new experience. Philsy:66, Chris:58 and Paul:37
The Witches: A Discworld Game This is simpler than Ankh-Morpork but it quick to teach and a lot of fun to play. You play an apprentice witch trying to resolve problems all over the land of Lancre, some more difficult than others. The artwork on the board and cards is superb with the cards performing multiple roles within the game. Good gateway game but with enough there, especially with some variants to make life harder, to keep gamers interested. Philsy:22 and Paul:17
Keyflower My third game of this, the second having been played at Mini-B&P Phil:65, Philsy:41 and Paul:36